You've been put out for school fees and your parents cannot afford the tuition. write a letter to the dean of students, appealing for them to allow you take your exam and you'll pay the tuition by installment. ​

You've been put out for school fees and your parents cannot afford the tuition. write a letter to the dean of students, appealing for them to allow you take your exam and you'll pay the tuition by installment. ​


Here is a possible letter you can write to the dean of students:

Dear Dean of Students,

Subject: Appeal for exam permission

I am writing to appeal for your permission to allow me to take the final exam for Course XYZ, which is scheduled for June 10, 2023. I am currently unable to pay the full tuition for this semester due to financial difficulties.

My parents have been affected by the recent economic downturn and have lost their jobs. They are trying their best to find new sources of income, but it has been very challenging. They have been supporting me throughout my studies, but they are now unable to pay the school fees on time.

I understand that the school policy requires students to pay their tuition before taking the exams, but I am requesting an exception in this case. I have been a diligent and hardworking student, and I have maintained a good academic record. I have attached my transcripts and letters of recommendation from my professors as evidence of my performance.

I am not asking for a waiver of the tuition, but rather a flexible payment plan that would allow me to pay by installment. I have secured a part-time job and I am confident that I can pay the remaining balance by the end of the next semester. I have also applied for scholarships and grants that could help me cover some of the costs.

I hope you will consider my appeal and grant me the opportunity to take the exam and complete my course. This course is very important for my degree and career goals, and I do not want to miss it because of circumstances beyond my control.

Please contact me by email or phone if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you for your time and understanding.


Your name

Your contact details

Your student ID

Enclosures: Transcripts, letters of recommendation


I hope this helps

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